Yes, the sweaty guy. Not the guy on the subway bus who REALLY needs some deodorant, but the sweaty casino guy we all should know by now.Is it possibly because of the heat? Or is there something else going on with this guy?
Typical man selling Las Vegas souvenirs. Seems harmless, right?
The first thing you should notice about this .. man.. is that he is sweating abnormally. He does say,
The weather in Vegas is hot today...Is he REALLY referring to weather?
He's also VERY nervous too, saying things like Uh.. Uh. Is this man selling us illegal souvenirs?
Tommy, according to his shop, is his name. I have underlined his two famous phrases, and I also put a little reminder on the picture. Notice I have no tokens.. BUT ENOUGH OF THAT!
If you can't read the red text, it says;
Where did he get those dice? Did he steal them from the casino? Also, notice the casino worker's badge.. hmm.One of my theories about that worker's badge is..
Tommy used to be a worker for the casino. He was fired and stole a lot of badges. He illegally sells them now.
And, if you're a regular casino person, you might have noticed our friend Tommy IN THE CASINO!
Here is a less sweaty version of Tommy. Why isn't Tommy at his shop outside? Maybe he is still working at the casino, and that's how he's getting all of his stuff to sell! I'm ashamed of Tommy!
Barely a difference between these two Tommys.
1. Blonde Afro- ✔
2. Bushy eyebrows- ✔
3. Glasses- ✔
4. Sweat- ✖
5. Big nose- ✔
6. Big smile- ✔
7. Tubbyness- ✔
So, I've concluded that Tommy is actually working for the casino. His part-time job is ILLEGALLY selling things from the casino.
-Cheekie Pico
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